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May 3, 2021

There are countless things mamas can do to try to set the stage for a positive labor experience. Knowledge and prep work are key, of course. Here are some recommendations based on trimester.

FIRST TRIMESTER: Knowledge is power. We encourage you to start educating yourself now on your options: doctors, delivery places, delivery options, and birthing classes. Planning now can keep your journey stress-free.

SECOND TRIMESTER: Keep moving, mama! Exercise has been shown to speed up labor and recovery times. Walking, strength training, and mindful movements (paired with a knowledgeable fitness coach!) can keep your body happy and healthy.

THIRD TRIMESTER: Have a plan. You has a healthy body. Now, you need a relaxed mind. Meditations and breathing exercises are excellent ways to calm your mind when the thoughts won't stop racing. Start showing love to your inner willpower & mental strategies that help you feel strong, relaxed, and calm.