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March 15, 2021

Our FIT4MOM formats focus on the use of compound exercises & resistance training to get the most out of our workouts. Compound & resistance training exercises strengthen your entire body quickly and yes, burns more calories by using more muscles & joints at one time. Here are a few different ways to combine the exercises of a stationary lunge and biceps curl.

LINKED: Stand in a long stance with your right foot forward and left foot behind your left hip. Step on your band with your front foot & hold the band handles by your side. Set your core by rolling the shoulders back and down & zipping your core together, then bend your back knee down towards the ground as if proposing. As you press through your front heel to stand, pull the band up to your shoulders by bending your elbows. Lower the band back down to your sides as you bend your knees again.

AT THE BOTTOM: Hold the bottom of the lunge & complete the biceps curl before standing.

AT THE TOP: After you stand up, complete the biceps curl before lowering back down.