Tips for Third Trimester Focus.png


June 21, 2021

1. In the third trimester, exercises should be done with intention over intensity. Ask questions! Make sure you understand the why of the exercise to be able to execute modifications when necessary and still activate and strengthen the intended muscle group.

2. Balance is certainly compromised at this point as your center of gravity has significantly shifted over the last months. While you should never be at risk for falling during pregnancy, it is especially important now to avoid any exercises that could cause you to lose her balance. Ensure you always use a wall, stroller, or balance structure nearby to prevent falling. Your balance issues should not hijack your exercise focus.

3. Strengthening the pelvic floor and deep core muscles during pregnancy has been found to be associated with fewer cases of active pushing in the second stage of labor lasting longer than 60 minutes. Many women experiencing stress and fatigue will tend to grip their pelvic floor muscles, failing to release them when it is time to relax and stop pushing during delivery. Make sure to practice pelvic floor release as well as strengthening.