
Tiffanie Joslin

Hi! I'm Tiffanie. Mom to 3 spunky girls and my 4th sonshine. I began my FIT4MOM journey in 2010 when my first born, Lilygene, was only 6 months old.

I attended my very first Stroller Strides class in Redondo Beach at Veterans park on an early Saturday morning not really knowing what to expect. I got a kick butt workout and I met some really awesome, like-minded mommies. I naturally clicked with the group of women I met and knew I had found my new addiction. After attending classes for over 3 years I knew I found something that I loved. In 2013, after having my second child, it was time for me to follow my passion for fitness. I had just completed my first half marathon (12 weeks post baby) and from there went on to become a certified FIT4MOM Stroller Strides and Body Back instructor. Since then I have followed my passion for fitness and strive to teach, inspire, and motivate every mom and person I meet along my journey.

I currently enjoy running, dancing, hanging with my threesomes (my 3 girls) and teaching fitness. My mind is set and if I can inspire or motivate one person I meet, then I know I'm doing my job well!